From the late 1940s until the mid ‘50s, a grocery store called the First National Store occupied the current Mascoma Bank branch in Walpole. In the mid 1950s, after the grocery store closed, the north portion of the building was converted to a post office and the south portion was used as a restaurant and laundromat. In 1975, the post office moved to another building in town and a pulp mill rented the space to do displays and promote themselves in preparation for a 1976 vote to decide if the mill was to be built along the river. The mill was voted down, and in 1976, Indian Head Bank moved to the spot and became one of two banks within the village. After Indian Head Bank moved, Connecticut River Bank purchased the building in 1990. In 2014, Mascoma Savings Bank acquired Connecticut River Bank and the name on the door changed in December of that year.

The Walpole branch under construction
Under construction!
Regulations required the drive-up to be separated from the branch so customers interact with the tellers inside via video screen.
the only branch where the drive-up window doesn’t drive up to the branch.
A fountain outside the Walpole branch