A business can collect a lot of artifacts over more than a century! Take a look at some of the items that are a part of Mascoma Bank’s history. Can you spot some familiar names in our past Annual Reports?

As a community bank, we spend a lot of time focused on our neighbors and friends who come to us not only for their banking needs but also for connection, assistance, and even entertainment. Over the years, we’ve captured some of these moments in video. Take a look at a small selection of our historical videos below. You can find more on our YouTube channel.

1977 - The Granite State Savings Banker newsletter announcing the hiring of Steve Christy. Mr. Christy would serve as the Bank’s president from 1990 to 2017.
From 1910
First Baptist Church Directory, 1924
From 1937
From 1941
1952 - The builders of Mascoma Bank’s headquarters on North Park St., in Lebanon.
1952 - The Bank’s Board, Corporation Members, and employees
The 1969 annual report cover shows that the Bank still shared street level office space with Granite State Electric,
The 1973 Annual Report. The Bank had seventeen employees. Today there are more than 400.
1977 - The Granite State Savings Banker newsletter announcing the promotion of Marilyn Brown to Instalment Loan Manager.
Commemorating the opening of the Enfield branch
From 1978
The 1978 Annual Report features many legacy Mascoma Bank individuals.
With just four branches, the 1987 Annual Report that lists the Board of Directors, Corporation Members, Officers, Trustees, and Supervisors is nearly a complete rundown of everyone associated with the Bank at that time.
1998 - Corporators
The June 1, 1995, internal memo (it was typed, printed, copied, and distributed) from President Steve Christy announcing the acquisition of Green Mountain Bank, and Mascoma Bank’s expansion into Vermont.
The 1999 memo from President Steve Christy announcing the acquisition of New London Trust branches in Hanover and New London.
2000 - Bank Officers
2000 - Annual Report
2002 - Annual Report
2002 - Annual Report - Cathy is currently the Senior Vice President of Mortgage Sales.
2004 Annual Report
The 2005 Annual Report was dedicated to Nancy Reardon, after 33 years in the banking industry.
2005 - Annual Report
2006 - Annual Report celebrating the retirement of Dave Wilson. Dave developed the bank’s commercial loan department from its infancy.
2006 - Annual Report celebrating 30 years of service for Doree’ Clifford. She would retire in 2015.
2007 - Annual Report celebrating 40 years of service for Carolyn Coker. She would retire in 2014.
The 2008 Annual Report with Bonny Mock
2008 Annual Report
The 2009 Annual Report with Karen Slayton
2009 Annual Report - When the Operations Center was built in 2003, it featured a room that required structural reinforcement given the weight of the paper files. By 2023, the room had been repurposed with all documents now stored digitally.
2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
The 2011 Annual Report highlighted the Bank’s response to Tropical Storm Irene, and the efforts spearheaded by Bethel Branch Manager Shelia Jacobs and Loan Administration SVP Christine Morin
2014 - Board of Directors
2018 - Board of Directors & Corporators
Bank of Orange County currency
National White River Bank had its own Bethel currency
Passbooks, like these from the turn of the century through the 1970s, were often a customer's first interaction with the bank.
A deposit bag from New London Trust
The image of Mascommah became the emblem of the bank when Bernard Chapman painted a historical mural to commemorate events in the development of the Town of Lebanon in 1952.
A closeup of Mascommah
ATMs don’t have to be boring!
Not your grandfather's ATM.
During the COVID pandemic, puzzles were all the rage.
Employees are gifted pins at milestone anniversary years.
Novelties were distributed by member banks of the New Hampshire Association of Savings Banks during the 1930s and '40s.
Sign me up!
In the late 1990s, the Bank began planning for a dedicated Operations Center to be built near the West Lebanon branch. The plan was eventually denied by the Lebanon Planning Board.
The June 7, 2001, Valley News announcement that the bank had, due to lack of support from the City of Lebanon, abandoned plans to build an Operations Center there and instead would move the facility to White River Jct., VT.
These coin books were often children's first introduction to savings accounts.
This 1997 newspaper advertisement lists the bank’s fax number, as well as an e-mail address and website accessed thru Valley.Net .
Following the acquisition of New London Trust in 1996, Mascoma Bank launched its Commercial Lending department.
This 1997 newspaper advertisement announced the arrival of the Mascoma Savings Bank website.
A 1979 National Bank of Lebanon newspaper advertisement regarding interest rates, prompted this stern response from Mascoma President Rueben Cole to Charles White, the Comptroller of the Currency.
A spring 1990 newspaper advertisement, timed ahead of the annual Chamber of Commerce Auto & Boat and Home & Trade shows at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH.
This 1991 Northeast Marketing Group survey asked customers to weigh in on their preferences for Saturday banking hours.
December, 2001
Mascoma Savings Bank Foundation – 1998
John Rogers – Ken Wells - Officer Promotions – 1998
Linda Bateman - Officer Promotions – 1998
Annual Report of the New Hampshire Bank Commissioner – 1932
Mascoma Bank assisted with the construction of the Canillas Recreation Area at the CCBA in Lebanon nearly 20 years ago. The bank will celebrate its 125th Anniversary there in August.
An original Mascoma Savings Bank mousepad from the early days of internet banking
The 20th anniversary of the Platinum Passport Club, from 1999
Mascoma BBQs: Serving the Community, from 2017
Vermont, A Community Bank & Hurricane Irene, from 2014